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Staying Focused: How I turned Negativity Around

I was chatting with a friend in the industry, catching up and exchanging stories. I could hear the frustration in their voice about a situation they encountered from this morning; someone cut them off at an intersection. When they honked back and gave them a piece of their mind, they told me the driver was yelling at them for something that is completely not their fault. The other driver was screaming at the top of their lungs, while onlookers stared at a red light. Unfortunately it ruined my friend's whole morning and set the tone for the start of their day. I tried to cheer them up but in the meantime I decided to forwarded them the news link about the famous NFL football player Will Smith that died from a road rage dispute. I told them sometimes you just have to let things go, let them be upset for something they feel you are at fault for, when clearly you are not. Drive away, don't let hate consume you.

"Sometimes you just have to let things go..."

I reminded my friend at the end of the day their opinions or actions don't pay your bills. Anytime I'm in a situation where I feel I have to apologize for my actions even when I'm not at fault, I do it. Life can be too short sometimes, why argue, fight or dispute over petty things? Often time’s things can get blown out of proportion.

"Step back... sometimes things are just out of your control."

I certainly don't like to let negative situations set my tone for the rest of the day. Anytime you feel even a slight rage of anger inside of you over something you cannot control; whether it's business or personal, take a step back and just let it go! The more energy you put into it is just a complete waste of time, move on to a more positive situation. You can't win over everyone; some people are just consumed with overwhelming hate or jealousy. My escap

e has been spending time with loved ones and clearing my mind of anything negative that happens throughout the day. Quick mediation and reading online motivational quotes before bed too! Whatever your outlet may be, please use it; because negativity is just not worth your energy!

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